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Trimester 1 Reflection • 8 min read


Memories and learnings from trimester 1. Reflective summary of things I learned, positive accomplishments, Reflective summary of things I intend to learn in future trimesters, opportunities for growth.

My commits for team project

Reflecting on the first three units of AP Computer Science Principles, I’ve learned a lot about fundamental concepts. These initial months have been filled with memories and valuable learning experiences that will definitely shape my journey through this course. I think I’ve improved a lot since the beginning of the school year knowing nothing at all. I was recently looking at previous small projects/hacks and find it amazing that I was able to work with a group of 4 others to create a really cool looking game. Here are some of my key takeaways and reflections:

Memories and Learnings from Trimester 1

  • Making new friends with my CS team was definitely a highlight of this class. I had a lot of fun with them, especially when we were working on our passion project together.

  • Coding basics: I learned the essentials of coding using Python. Understanding variables, loops, and conditionals has laid a solid foundation for my programming journey.

  • Algorithms and Abstraction: The introduction to algorithms and abstraction was interesting, and I’m excited to learn more about it.

  • Procedures: I probably learned the most about procedures since it was the student lesson my team was in charge of.

Positive Accomplishments

  • One of my proudest accomplishments was completing and collaborating on my team’s passion project, Dark Souls. It was really rewarding to see it all come together to be something really cool we were able to showcase at Night at the Museum.

  • Building a strong team with my classmates (Arthur, Jason, Matthew, and Rayane) has been another achievement. Collaborative learning and the support of my peers have made the class enjoyable.

  • Another small accomplishment was getting a good score on the practice MCQ. It was really exciting to know that I can solve problems like those.

Things I Intend to Learn in Future Trimesters

  • Data Structures: I look forward to diving deeper into data structures like arrays, lists, and dictionaries, as they are essential for solving more complex problems and implementing efficient algorithms.

  • Cybersecurity and Privacy: I saw some questions relating to this on the MCQ and was interested in exploring the world of cybersecurity and understanding how to protect information in the digital age. This knowledge is not only relevant to computer science but also to our everyday lives.

  • Coding Backend: this trimester, I had the role of a frontend coder in my team and didn’t really know much about backend. In my group next trimester, I want to explore backend more to have a whole understanding and be an all rounder (maybe not take on the backend position, just be more involved).

Opportunities for Growth:

  • Debugging skills: learning how to effectively troubleshoot code and resolve errors is a fundamental skill in computer science, and I plan to refine it further.

  • Seeking out additional resources and challenges beyond the classroom is another area where I see potential for growth. Exploring side projects will help me apply and reinforce what I’ve learned.

In summary, the first trimester of AP Computer Science Principles has been an exciting and enriching experience. I’ve gained a solid foundation in programming and computational thinking.