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Week 4 Plans • 2 min read


Unit 1 week 4 plans

Unit 1 / Week 4

  • Monday: Practice for live review (pushed back); present pair showcase
  • Tuesday: Read/watch college board unit 1 content
  • Wednesday: Create group for 1.1-1.4 Team Test and start working together (1.1 collaboration)
  • Thursday: Assign roles/assignments and create manifesto
  • Friday: Work day

Team Test Prep

  • Roles
    • Scrum Master: Isabelle
    • Frontend: Rayane
    • Backend: Arthur
    • DevOps: Jason, Matthew
  • Collaboration: All
  • Program with Function and Purpose: Arthur, Jason
  • Program with Design and Development: Isabelle, Matthew
  • Identifying and Correct Errors: Rayane
  • Manifesto Our goals: Create functioning and efficient code How we will accomplish our goals:
    • Ask Mort questions and clarify our work
    • Effective communication in class and online
    • Preferably in class
    • Clarity is a top priority
    • Ask each other for help when needed
    • Trust others to get their assigned jobs done (and take responsibility of our own)
    • Pay close attention to detail
    • Ensure that our code is working and successful in order to progress
    • If requirements are changed, adapt our code and problem solve accordingly
    • Reflection on work and how to be more effective (daily)
    • Make changes based on our reflection