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Week 1 Plans • 2 min read


Unit 1 week 1 plans

Unit 1 / Week 1

Learning outcome: Building a personal blog.

  • Monday: Read VSCode, GitHub Pages Setup; install tools and vscode/github setup.
  • Tuesday: Personalize homepage/personal blog (add theme, photos, about me, etc.); sign up for live review
  • Wednesday: Prepare for live review with partner; continue to personalize blog (photo carousel); live review
  • Thursday: Live review (pushed back)
  • Friday: lab notebook?

Live Review Prep

  • Talk about what we have so far
  • Continue to add extra stuff to personal blog to get more points
  • Discuss problems we faced and how we overcame challenges
    • Jupyter kernelspec list command not working: needed to install/update
    • Adding theme and making it look like the preview picture: needed to replace _layouts/default.html file with the one from the GitHub supported themes